A lot of people think that solar energy will be the way of the future, but they aren’t sure why, or what the benefits are of using it. While it’s true that solar energy isn’t as developed as more traditional methods of energy generation, it is extremely environmentally friendly and has been proven to reduce the effects of climate change significantly. In this article, you’ll learn all about solar energy and why you should be using it at home and in your business right now!

Why Solar is Better for the Environment
A typical solar panel produces enough energy in a year to equal what a natural gas power plant generates in six days. As a renewable resource, it has one of the best carbon footprints in energy production. And because solar is generally installed on rooftops where there isn’t space for anything else, it displaces demand for other types of construction materials that are made from non-renewable resources like petroleum. Finally, and unlike almost any other form of power generation, if you can predict how much energy you need each day you can produce as much as possible with solar while still taking advantage of grid power when available at night or during times when your panels aren’t able to keep up with your needs.
Though you’re making a lot of good choices by investing in solar panels, it’s still worth learning what other people are doing to make their green energy use even more efficient. Remember, there are thousands of things you can do to decrease your overall energy consumption and make a positive impact on your world. Simple measures like turning off lights and unplugging unused appliances or devices when they aren’t in use will save both money and power.
How it Works
Solar energy is a promising alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear power. Through photovoltaic cells, sunlight can be converted into electricity that powers your home or business. In addition to being non-polluting, solar panels generate renewable energy which helps to minimise our reliance on finite resources. Because solar installations don’t produce carbon emissions like traditional forms of energy do, they’re better for not only the environment but also for human health. How you set up your system (rooftop vs ground mount) will largely depend on your local weather conditions, available space, and price point; however, both options have proven to be effective ways of harnessing clean, renewable solar energy to reduce environmental impact and lessen dependency on traditional forms of power generation.
If you’re looking to go green or just get a long-term return on your investment, it’s worth considering solar energy. They do require upkeep and regular maintenance so you’ll want to factor in those costs as well when you determine whether solar is right for your home or business. However, any money spent now on cleaning and repairing panels will be recouped by savings on utility bills over time. If you’re thinking about installing solar energy systems, contact a professional who can help you find out how much power your property needs and compare the prices of different providers. Once installed, your system should come with an operating manual that provides instructions for use and care along with helpful resources that answer questions about maintenance, battery charging, and troubleshooting issues.
Solar Energy: The Case for South Africa
South Africa has a lot of sun; in fact, it receives more sunlight than any other country in Africa. Despite that fact, though, South Africa is one of the poorest countries on earth when it comes to harnessing its natural resources. But that may be about to change thanks to several startups which are looking at ways to tap into solar energy as well as encouraging people and businesses to install their solar panels. It’s an area where more competition could only be good news for South Africans who are paying some of the highest power prices in the world. At current market rates, all South Africans can do is look skywards and hope they won’t have to rely on coal or gas-fired power plants for much longer.
The environmental benefits associated with solar energy are significant, but with rising power prices it’s not all good news. Thanks to technology, though, it could be time for South Africans to turn their attention toward renewable sources of energy. With a growing population and greater electricity demand, solar power is just one of many ways to make sure that everyone in South Africa has access to affordable and reliable power.
With new players coming into what has traditionally been a niche market, it looks like things could be changing faster than most people expected. And if that happens, South Africa will finally have an option besides coal or gas as its main source of electricity generation.
What Happens Next?
There are other methods for reducing your environmental footprint and its impact on our fragile planet. One of them is using solar energy to power your home. Fortunately, more people are turning to solar energy as a way to reduce their carbon footprint—and save money. In fact, in 2012 alone, $3 billion was invested in new solar projects. If you’re considering adding a solar panel to your home or business, know that it will not only reduce your carbon footprint but also save you a lot of money over time.
Before deciding on solar energy, you’ll want to do your research. Consider things like where you live, whether or not there are already solar panels in your area, and how much money you can afford to invest. Solar energy is a good choice for homeowners and businesses alike.
It’s important to remember that while solar energy offers some real environmental benefits, it’s still very much a business. So try and avoid companies that will try to take advantage of you, so it’s important to do your research before signing any contracts. Consider talking with local experts and government agencies to see what they have to say about solar energy in your area. They can help ensure that you are choosing a legitimate solar panel provider and that you understand everything involved in investing in this.
How Do I Get Started?
Have you considered solar energy but put off installation? Now that costs have fallen in recent years, you can take advantage of renewable solar energy and invest in your own energy supply. Solar panels require little maintenance, so they’re convenient to run and are cost-effective over time. If you’ve been looking for a way to green up your home or business, consider investing in solar energy with Invest Solar today!
About Invest Solar
Invest Solar is one of South Africa’s leading providers of solar energy solutions. They specialise in providing high-quality and cost-effective energy-saving products to residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Their team of qualified engineers is on hand to assist you with your projects and can even provide a turnkey solution for your home or business. They have been in operation for decades and have completed thousands of installations across all major cities in South Africa. How can we brighten up your future?