The KETO and Banting diets are the same, right? Even though the basis of these diets is the limitation of carbohydrates, a higher fat percentage and the elimination of processed foods, sugar and grains, there are clear differences between these diets.
Why is this information important? Before starting a weight-loss journey and giving up carbohydrates, it is essential to have all the facts with regard to what each diet entails and whether it would be sustainable to follow.
People initially followed the ketogenic or KETO diet to treat extreme cases of epilepsy. High-fat products are encouraged in this diet, and food should be whole and unprocessed. The KETO diet is centred on achieving ketosis—a process that occurs when your body uses stored fat as energy instead of carbohydrates. The body typically uses glucose (sugar) as its primary energy source, but when you consume fewer carbohydrates, your liver will produce ketones that your brain and other organs can use as an alternative source of energy.
It typically takes about two to four days to achieve ketosis when you adjust your intake of carbohydrates to 5–10%, protein to 10–30%, and fat to 60–80%.
Tailor your meals around the following foods:
- Protein: foods from animal sources that can be consumed on the KETO diet are beef, lamb, veal, venison, pork, chicken, turkey, duck, goose, liver, kidney, tripe, tongue, salmon, trout, tuna, anchovies, mackerel, lobster, crab, clams, shrimp, squid, and eggs. You do not have to choose lean cuts of meat to enhance your fat intake on the KETO diet.
- Healthy fats: You will stay fuller for longer when eating healthy fats. These healthy fats can include MCT oil, butter, ghee, nut and seed oils, olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, and animal fats like goose and duck.
- Non-starchy vegetables: the easiest way to ensure that you do not eat vegetables with a high-carbohydrate content is to stick to vegetables that grow above ground. These vegetables include celery, spinach, watercress, lettuce, and asparagus. Other vegetables still considered low carbohydrate include broccoli, cucumber, cabbage, cauliflower, green pepper, kale, eggplant, Brussels sprouts, and green beans.
- Most full-fat dairy: cottage cheese, full-fat yogurt, cream, hard cheeses, and sour cream.
- Some fruits: you can eat avocado on the KETO diet.
- Herbs and spices: salt, pepper, coriander, dill, parsley, mint, basil, oregano, cayenne, nutmeg, cinnamon, and cloves.
- Drinks: as with any other diet, it is essential to stay hydrated. You can drink water, herbal tea, unsweetened black tea and coffee.
You can consume some foods in moderation, including:
- Milk: You can consume full-fat milk in small quantities due to its high lactose (a natural sugar) content.
- Fruit: the fruits that can be eaten occasionally include strawberries, raspberries, cherries, cranberries, and blueberries.
Foods that you should avoid on the KETO diet include:
- Sugar: brown sugar, glucose, refined sugar, honey, fructose, maple syrup, sucralose, and agave nectar.
- Grains: due to their high carbohydrate content, grains should be avoided, including pasta, bread, rice, cereal, quinoa, oats, couscous, and baking flour.
- Legumes, beans, and lentils: chickpeas, lentils, split peas, and kidney beans.
- Starchy vegetables: sweet potatoes, carrots, potatoes, celeriac, and parsnip.
- Unhealthy fats and oils: margarine, vegetable oils, corn oil, and trans fats.
- Most fruits.
- Processed foods.
The Banting diet is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat eating plan invented in the 1860s by an obese patient known as William Banting. The original Banting diet focused on whole meats, fats, vegetables and fruits, while starches had to be avoided.
If you have heard of the Banting diet, you would probably have heard of Tim Noakes. Tim Noakes revised the original Banting diet in his book, The Real Meal Revolution, into different lists and phases.
The food lists on the Banting diet are colour-coordinated according to green, orange, light red, and red. If you follow the food lists on the Banting diet correctly, you do not have to count your calories or carbohydrates.
The Green List: eat to hunger
Also referred to as the ‘good-to-go’ list, the Green List consists of all foods with only 0 g to 5 g of carbohydrates per 100 g. You can eat anything on the list, including:
- Vegetables: all leafy greens, mushrooms, onions, shallots, cucumbers, cabbage, celery, olives, cauliflower, and broccoli.
- Fruits: lemon, tomatoes, and lime.
- Proteins: fish, pork, red meat, poultry, and eggs.
- Dairy products: cheese, butter, and ghee.
- Fermented foods: kimchi, kefir, and sauerkraut.
- Fats: butter, avocado, ghee, and cream.
- Condiments: vinegar, soy sauce, and tamari.
- Caffeine-free drinks: herbal teas.
The Orange List: exercise self-control
The Orange List consists of foods that contain between 6 g and 25 g of carbohydrates per 100 g. You can eat the following foods in moderation:
- Vegetables: butternut, carrots, sweet potato, artichoke, and beetroot.
- Fruits: bananas, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, apples, lemon, nartjie, apricots, watermelon, cherries, figs, grapes, gooseberries, kiwi fruits, litchis, guavas, mangos, oranges, nectarines, pineapple, peaches, plums, pomegranate, pears, and pawpaw.
- Nuts: chestnuts and cashews.
- Sweeteners: honey should not be used in excess.
The Light Red List: hardly ever
The Light Red List consists of foods that could hinder weight loss for most people. These foods include:
- Vegetable juices and smoothies: most of these juices’ fibre has been removed and are high in fructose, encouraging weight gain.
- Gluten-free grains: bran, gluten-free pasta, oats (must be gluten-free), popcorn, quinoa, sorghum, and rice.
- Flours.
- Treats and chocolates.
The Red List: never
Foods strongly suggested to avoid include:
- Proteins: highly processed sausages and meats such as viennas and polony.
- Any foods with added sugar: fast food, crisps, salad dressings, tomato sauce, chutney, and marinades.
- Beverages: all soft drinks, flavoured milk, and milkshakes.
- Foods containing gluten: rye, couscous, durum, semolina, wheat, bulgur, and barley.
- Other grain-based products: all commercial breakfast cereals such as muesli, granola, and corn flakes.
- Dairy products: commercial cheese spreads, frozen yogurt, and coffee creamers.
The Banting diet is a gradual process divided into four phases to help your body ease into the process.
Phase 1: Observation
During the first week, you continue to eat what you usually would, but keep a comprehensive journal of everything you eat to see how your body responds to certain foods. For example, this phase aims to determine whether you feel fuller after a high-protein breakfast or whether you feel more satisfied after a low-calorie breakfast.
Phase 2: Restoration
For the next 2–12 weeks, you should eat foods from various lists to restore your gut health and get used to the Banting eating method. You will be introduced to different food lists categorised according to traffic lights. As part of this phase, you should eliminate all foods from the red list and eat foods on the green and orange lists.
Phase 3: Transformation
The aim of the Transformation Phase is for your body to achieve ketosis (similar to the KETO diet)—to push your body into a zone where it burns fat quicker. During this phase, you will be required to only stick to the green list, focusing on a low-carbohydrate, sugar-free and gluten-free diet.
Phase 4: Preservation
The fourth phase of the Banting diet is where you will be able to include some foods that you had to cut out during the other stages.

The KETO and Banting diets might seem the same, but there are distinct differences between the two diets.
Even though the fat elements and high protein content remain the same in both diets, the sole purpose of the KETO diet is to achieve ketosis, while it is viewed as a by-product on the Banting diet. You can achieve ketosis on the KETO diet by consuming fewer carbohydrates and fruits than on the Banting diet.
The Banting diet is divided into specific phases to gradually prepare your body for the diet, while the KETO diet does not have clearly defined phases. The Banting diet has different colour-coded lists to determine which foods you can eat during each phase, while you should only consume high-protein, high-fat foods with a minimal carbohydrate intake on the KETO diet.
Even though the basic foods you can consume are similar in both diets, you should limit your dairy intake when following the KETO diet.
Unlike the Banting diet, all fruits are prohibited on the KETO diet.
Regarding beverages, you can drink an occasional glass of dry wine on the Banting diet, while you should avoid alcohol on the KETO diet. You can also drink coffee and caffeinated teas on the KETO diet, which is prohibited on the Banting diet.
Have a look at USN’s KETO range on the website.
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